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SEYU is two years old - time for a look back

The idea came about exactly two years ago: to create sunglasses that impress with a stylish and timeless design, are affordable and produced in an environmentally friendly way!

From the beginning - what shapes us

Who would have thought that this idea would one day become a successful business? All the more surprising when you consider that we actually had nothing to do with design and knew nothing about glasses, e-commerce or let alone fashion labels. What we shared then and still today is the enthusiasm for sunglasses as an accessory and the desire to try something new - although it should also be mentioned that we only knew each other for six months back then. If it fits, it just fits!

It was precisely this courage that drove us at Schipfe 51 to make the dream of creating something physical, a product that you can hold in your hands, a reality. And because sunglasses in general have always been the only, but very popular and frequently used accessory for both of us, we set out to set up our own sunglasses label.

“Wearing accessories isn’t really my thing, but I’ve always thought sunglasses were the best thing!” -Tim Bosshardt

Of course, the start of the joint venture wasn't that easy and just finding a manufacturer that was willing to work with two newcomers was a gauntlet. But after countless attempts and even more phone calls, it finally worked: A small, fourth-generation family-run manufacturer agreed and developed the first prototypes together with us.

These were then tested by all family members as well as friends and strangers and the first valuable and relevant feedback was obtained. At the same time, we also had to build the brand. From the development of the website, the logo to the branding: everything happened from our own living room and always following the shared dream.

So after nine months of development, prototyping and a lot of work, the first SEYU sunglasses went live - and yes, the excitement was great! Fortunately, we weren't put through torture for too long, because after 3 weeks the very first order came in: a customer from Seefeld in Zurich. Because the address was so close and it was a very special order, we didn't miss the opportunity to deliver the package in person - but unfortunately with the wrong glasses, as it later turned out. What was of course embarrassing at first turned out to be a stroke of luck because the customer decided to keep both glasses.

A huge, big thank you

“It takes a whole village…” is a very nice saying about raising children. And that's exactly how it was with the raising of the SEYU brand. We would not have been able to raise this “baby” without the help of so many people - and for that we are eternally grateful. From Zoran Bozanic from the Design Labor and the founder of the social media site “zürichkreis8”, the content creator Joel Naboa about our families, our friends and many other people as well as the first three shops where we also sell our glasses offline, namely Rejane Rosenberger, Stereo Fashion and the Schmiede in Sursee: You are the best! You deserve our deepest thanks and our greatest respect, because thanks to you our “little one” stands on her own two feet today and delights the world with stylish sunglasses.

With SEYU we have mainly specialized in transparent frames made of acetate, in the colors champagne, rosé, eggshell but also transparent black or green. The goal: to make a name for ourselves with transparent frames.

And so there’s nothing left to add except “Let’s go on”!