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NZZ am Bellevue: These are the trends for spring 2022 | SEYU is there

The new sunglasses for spring

In this spring-like weather, we don't leave the house without sunglasses. These styles are particularly trendy at the moment.

Transparent frame

Transparent frames are increasingly being seen not only in reading glasses, but also in sunglasses. These don't necessarily have to be inconspicuous - on the contrary: depending on the combination of lens color and shape, the glasses are real eye-catchers.

Colorful frames

Of course, you can't go wrong with aviator sunglasses with a simple metal frame. But the fashion is more colorful and bold than it has been for a long time - the face can also use a little color. Also a theme this spring: glasses in the same color as the frame.

Less is more

After decades of hiding my face behind big diva glasses, I can now get excited about small glasses; the mask already hides enough. There is only one thing you should keep in mind when buying: that the shape of the glasses and the eyes harmonize. The latter remains clearly visible.

XXL models

Hide in order to stand out – that should be in the small print on the XXL glasses. In the glamorous old Hollywood films, Audrey Hepburn and Co. liked to wear large glasses in order to remain unrecognized. But usually the opposite happened, because the large glasses attract everyone's attention. Hand on heart, isn't that pure intention? The glasses scream: Look, I just had the night of my life and I'm celebrating this moment of lack of sleep with my huge glasses.